Dear Dalia, I read your book in one breath and in awe. I re-read it the next day and for two days I've been trying to sit down and write about my impressions. My thoughts and feelings overwhelm me. Emotions and mind interrupt each other and don’t allow to concentrate and express myself fully.
The phrase at the beginning of the story: „and only people with eyes of a child “ invites the reader to journey together, immersing in a magical world, where (like in music) the emotional tension is growing gradually, sensual perception reaches its peak and you feel and see something incredibly beautiful.
Thanks to the colorful metaphorical images and creative solutions our consciousness returns to its subconscious basis and an inner child awakens within us, who is like a clean sheet of paper is ready to absorb the best colors of the palette.
Humans mature gradually and learn to know the world and ourselves through the prism of love and beauty. Suddenly we fall out of time and space, and there comes a moment of enlightenment and clarity.
The ending of the fairy tale wrapped me with a feeling of peace and some universal wisdom.
Dear Dalia, I got an immense pleasure reading your book. It heals the soul.You are incredibly talented. And all this you managed to convey through the nuances of English language. While reading your fairytale a child matures but an adult returns to childhood.
PS: I'll try to organise a stage performance of "Fairy Dalia", it would be very useful for my students.
Armine Simonyan, Armenia, 50 y.o., a Professor of English Language and Literature